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Alaska Cruise Ship Rocking

Skagway Set to Welcome Cruise Ships After Receiving $19 Million Grant for Rock Slide Mitigation

After a cruise ship ran aground last month, the town of Skagway has received a $19 million grant to mitigate rock slides.

The grant will be used to fund a project that will stabilize a rock bluff along the Taiya River, which is the main waterway for cruise ships entering and leaving Skagway.

The project is expected to take two years to complete and will involve drilling and blasting to remove loose rock from the bluff. The project will also include the installation of a rockfall fence to catch any rocks that do fall.

The grant was awarded by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. The project is part of a larger effort to improve the safety of the Taiya River for cruise ships.

In addition to the grant, the town of Skagway is also working with the cruise industry to develop new safety measures for cruise ships entering and leaving the port.

These measures include requiring cruise ships to use a new navigation system that will help them avoid running aground. The town is also working with the cruise industry to develop a new emergency response plan in case of a grounding.

The town of Skagway is confident that these measures will help to prevent future groundings and ensure the safety of cruise ship passengers and crew.
